
Monday 19 December 2016


Zdravo, svima! Ok, da, mislim da je krajne vreme bilo da ovaj post bude objavljen. Kao što se može primetiti, nisam bila baš aktivna po pitanju bloga u prethodnom periodu. Da, jeste, to je krajnje neodgovorno od mene, ali bila sam odgovorna- ok, sada ova rečenica nema više smisla, zar ne? :/ Ah, pa radi se o tome da sam iza sebe ostavila mračni period učenja. Stvarno ne znam zašto ljudi govore da je studentsko doba najlepše ( ok, šalim se ja malo, ali ovakve misli me obično spopadaju kad sam zatrpana knjigama preko glave, ali i to dođe i prođe). Nadam se da sada razumete zašto sam bila neodgovorno odgovorna.  Baš sam htela da pišem o nečemu što je usko vezano za ovo- pretpostavljam da  već iz naslova zaklučujete o čemu se radi- vreme, taj čudesni pojam.
Zašto čudesan? Pa, i sami znate koliko nekada stvari u kojima uživamo brzo prolaze, a sa druge strane, ima i perioda kada mislimo da svojim neprestanim gledanjem u sat ubrzavamo kazaljke ka završetku tog dosadnog stanja.

Hello guys! Ok, yes, I think it was about time for this post to be published. As you can see, I haven't been actively working on my blog lately. Yes, it is extremely irresponsible of me, but I was responsible- ok, this sentence doesn't make any sence anymore, right? :/ Ah, I am referring to the fact that I left a dark period of studying behind me. I really don't know why people tell that student age is the best ( ok, I am kidding a bit, but these thoughts come to me when I'm over my head in books, but that comes and goes). I hope you understand  now why I was irresponsibly responsible.  I just wanted to write about something which is tightly connected to this- I suppose you have already concluded what is it about- time, that wondrous concept. Why is it wondrous? Well, even you know how sometimes when we do something we love time flies, and on the other hand, there are times when we stare at clock and we hope that this non-stop staring will make the time go faster and end the agony sooner.

Ok,mislim da bi trebalo da pređem na stvar, cenim da neće mnogo ljudi biti voljno da čita moje filozofiranje o vremenu na desetak strana. Zapravo, taj pojam prolaženja vremena zavisi od toga čime ga ispunjavamo. Nekako, meni u poslednjem periodu sve ide zbrzano i imam želju da uradim još toliko stvari, ali onda jednostavno sednem i postavim sebi pitanje: "Šta ti je najvažnije trenutno?" Jako bitna stavka u raspoređivanju svačijeg vremena jesu prioriteti. Mislim da će se svako ko ostvari ono što želi tokom dana osećati zadovoljno kad sabere utiske o onome što ostavlja iza sebe. Mnogo ljudi mi govori da ja previše razmišljam unapred, ali ,iskreno, ja ne znam drugačije. Jednostavno,volim da znam šta me čeka u narednom danu, tako da obično isplaniram svoj raspored i tako postižem da obavim ono što želim. Ne, ne kažem da SVE treba isplanirati, neke stvari su lepše kada se dese onako neočekivano, ali za ono što želimo da obavimo, ipak je potreban neki plan. Ne volim što današnjica podrazumeva toliko ubrzan tempo koji zahteva od nas stalno angažovanje, ali s druge strane smatram da sam osoba koja voli ispunjeno vreme, no ipak treba nekada ispauzirati.

Ok, I think I should get to the point, I assume that not a lot of people will be willing to read my philosophy about time on ten pages. Actually, that concept of time passing by depends of what we fulfill it with. Somehow, for me, previous period has passed really fast and I wish to do a lot more things, and then simply I sit and ask myself: "What is the most important thing for you now?" Very important sequence in scheduling anyones time are priorities. I think that everyone who fulfills  what he wants during that day will feel much happier when gathers impressions about what he is leaving behind. A lot of people tell me that I think too much in advance, but, truth to be told, I don't know the other way.
Simply, I love to know what waits for me in the upcoming day, so I usually plan my schedule and that's how I manage to do everything I want. No, I'm not saying everything is supposed to be planned, some things  are better not planned, but for what we want to get done, plan is necessary. I don't like today because it includes a fast tempo which demands our constant engagement, but on the other hand I consider myself a person who loves to fulfill my  own time, but you should , also, make a pause sometimes.

Nego, da se vratimo na same prioritete. S obzirom da sam znala da će mi ovaj period biti ispunjen, još pre nego što sam krenula na ovu fakultetsku godinu ucrtala sam sebi u glavi ( i na papir) na šta želim da se fokusiram. Želim da dam malo pojašnjenje o ovome "i na papir"- jednostavno, shvatila sam da mi je mnogo lakše da se pridržavam plana kada ima knjižicu koja me opominje kada počnem da skrećem sa puta, a i veliko zadovoljstvo mi pričinjava da štikliram ono obavljeno, što mogu da skinem s uma. Eh, da - prioriteti, Dakle, letos sam odlučila da ću se narednih meseci fokusirati na četiri stvari:


Tačno ovim redom. I pokušavam da se ne razlećem previše - smatram da ću efikasnije obavljati stvari ukoliko mi pažnja bude usmerena na manje mesta. Moram priznati - u skorije vreme, najviše pažnje poklanjala sam prve dve stavke, ali pokušaću da popravim to.

Nevermind, we should get back to priorities. Considering I knew this is going to be a tough period for me, before I started this year on college  I made some marks in my head  ( and on paper) on which I want to focus. I want to give a little explanation abou this "on paper"- simply, I realised that it's much easier to stick to my plan if I have a little book which warns me when I get off the road, and it is a great pleasure to mark what I have done so I can take it off my mind. Oh, yes- priorities. So, this summer I decided that in upcoming months I will focus on four things:

2. JOB

Exactly in this order. I'm tryng not to run on many different sides- I consider that  I will do things much efficiently if I concentrate on less points. I have to addmit- in previous period, most of my attention I gave to first two points on my list, but I will try to fix that.

Naravno, pored ovih stvari moram imati slobodno vreme- ah sve te knjige,filmovi, serije koje me čekaju... Plus, treba imati vremena za izlaske, druženja... Ali, sve u svoje vreme - više spadam u tipove ljudii koji vole da odrade šta imaju, pa onda uživaju. Zato vodim računa o stalnim distrakcijama, jer naravno, uvek ih ima. Znam da kažem ne, i istrajem u svojim planovima. Mnogo puta dešavalo se da ne mogu da stignem da izađem, da ne mogu da stignem da radim nešto bi želela umesto da , npr., učim... Jako je bitno i okružiti se ljudima koji to razumeju, jer ukoliko cene vaše vreme, onda cene i vas. Poštujem tuđe obaveze, ali takođe očekujem i od drugih da poštuju moje. To je neka moja politika :D

Of course, besides these things I need to have some free time- all those books, movies, series wait for me... Plus, I need some time to go out, hang out firends... But, all at  the right time- I'm more kind of a person who loves to get done with obligations, and later to enjoy. Because of that I'm aware of  distractions, because of course, they are constant. I know how to say no, and be resistant in my plans. There has been a lot of times when I'm not able to go out, when I'm not able to do what I would like to, instead of, for example, studying... It is really important to surround yourself with people who understand that, because if they appreciate your time, then they appreciate you to. I respect obligations of others, but I also expect them to respect my obligations as well.
 That's some kind of my policy :D

Neću vas još mnogo daviti, ali bi jednostavno par neki ključnih reči za kraj da ispišem. Svi znamo da se od nas danas mnogo traži, ili bolje rečeno,  da se moramo truditi da damo sve od sebe šta god da radimo, ali i da budemo svestrani. Da, nekada jeste teško, nekada bi bili možda na drugom mestu i radili nešto zanimljivije, ali sav trud se na kraju isplati. Sve što radite neko će ceniti, ali bitno je da u svoj toj pometnji sačuvamo sebe, da stanemo i razmislimo, uživamo u trenutku... U suštini, i kada postignemo neke zacrtane ciljeve, treba da osećamo zadovoljstvo zbog onoga što smo ostvarili i da nađemo način da uživamo u sitnicama koje nam svakodnevnica pruža. A, pošto sam se lepo ispisala ovde, odoh da učim menadžment, možda će mi dobro doći :D

I won't bother you much longer , but I would simply like to write few key words for the end. We all know that much is wanted from us today, or better said, that we have to try to give the best of us whatever we do, and to be comprehensive. Yes, sometimes it's hard, sometimes we wish to be on another place and to do something more interesting, but all the effort pays off. Everything you do someone will appreciate, but it is important that in all that rush we keep to ourselves, to stop and think, enjoy the moment... All in all, even if we reach wanted goals, we are supposed to feel happy about what we accomplished and to find a way to enjoy in small things which are daily given.  And, because I've written a pretty much a lot here, now it's time to study management, maybe I'll have some use of it :D

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